The Start (NYC 2015)

timclarkAt the Races, NYC2015-1

Ellie was a seeded runner, meaning she got to start of in an early wave. The advantage is that she was able to get off the line quickly. Although it’s clear from the variance we see in both her Footstrike Type and her Contact Time that she was weaving her way through the crowd in the first 5K of the … Read More

It Helps to Know How to Fly

timclarkAt the Races

Not a shocker but the more you fly, the faster you’ll finish a marathon.  Flight ratio is an indicator of efficiency, so we were particularly interested to look at our data from the 2015 NYC Marathon to analyze breakdown of flight ratio over finish times. We discovered flight ratio is much more strongly correlated to finish times than the infamous 180 … Read More

Steps & Gs (NYC 2015 Marathon)

timclarkAt the Races

It takes 32,000 steps to finish a marathon in 3 hours. Since we know runners in that category are in the air longer, it makes sense that more time means more steps. But how many? Turns out, about 4,000 steps for each additional 30 minutes. For those who finished after 5.5 hours, that means they take 50% more steps than the … Read More